Congratulations to our 2020
Spark Grant Award recipients!
A Podcast that Encourages Tough Conversations
Hard Candy & Fruit Snacks is a new podcast about race that shows audiences what can happen when two people get comfortable with getting uncomfortable. The hosts, one Black, one white, are having honest conversations most people are afraid to start. Gloria Harrison and Carrie Clifford met in elementary school through a busing program that brought Black kids from Boston’s inner city to schools in the suburbs. They have reunited to expose their shared experiences and to delve into difficult discussions about race. Through these conversations, Carrie and Gloria are realizing things they never did as children. They are sharing their opinions and feelings as they reflect on a segregated childhood, all while America grapples with its own history of racism and discrimination. These Spark Grant Recipients for Social Program have created a brave space where a Black woman and a White woman can have open, honest conversations about privilege, disadvantage, and the lasting effects of systemic racism. They are paving a path for local and national communities to have the conversations necessary to heal our divisions.

Project Lead
Carrie Clifford, host

Project Lead
Gloria Harrison, host

Project Lead
Jayelani Hall
Faculty Support
IImoigele P. Aisiku, MD, MBA
You can also access podcast episodes at